Throwback : Aquaria KLCC

Assalamualaikum and good morning

Sunday means another days to relax and enjoy yourself ,right?  Most of the time in case I am not working,  I prefer to be at home during weekend, spending 'me-time' -doing random things eg : watching movies,doing laundry, house cleaning etc  . Yet, if I get any opportunity I won't miss to go out and explore new things.Definitely!

Last Sunday, I got my time to spend near KLCC after finishing one of my course. Aquaria KLCC comes across my mind.Why not? Thanks to my cousin for accompany me.Let the pictures do the reviews.

Opening hours & fees. Please bring your identity card for RM 48 admission's fee.

School of fish

Eels with electric !

Fishes in massive aquarium.Super BIG.
My second cousin and I.

Resting time for a shark

Shark's teeth

Jellyfish in life preservation tank

Overall, I totally recommended this place for any of us. Initially,it is quite sad to see all this creatures inside big tank instead they should be in open ocean. Yet, it is part of an initiative to preserve our nature . At least for our next generation.Till then, have a wonderful weekend.

May Allah bless us as always.


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