For Love and Marriage

Assalamualaikum and good evening.

When we're talking about love between a man and a woman : everyone has their own opinions. Maybe, someone is smiling right now - thinking about a special person or nodding in disagreement. Love defines us, and part of our life. It could be a wonderful experience or awful past tense that we want to forget.

Basically I am not the right person to talk about love and marriage. I still can't fathom how people decide to spend the rest of their life with someone else. I believe it is never worth stressing over a man/woman yet, at one point of our life -we will feel to love someone, and being in love. And you can't escape this cycle.

And it is totally normal guys!

Don't blame yourself for falling in love. Instead, be honest with your true feelings. If the another person really like you , he or she will always make you happy. If not -don't blame yourself also. You are charming in your own ways, just another person can't see it through. Consider them as a lesson to learn - that you are capable of giving love also.

Recipes for love?

I know our religious always emphasize the role of marriage : Once you get married, you already completed half of your deen. As a blessful marriage fulfilled with unconditional love will bring us closer to Allah. A concept of marriage is like having a pathway to Jannah. 

I never deny that!

How about the woman who not blessed with a husband : Is that mean Allah forget us?

I know , a woman out there :
 Who is a good daughter, taking care of her sick parent. And she afraid if she get married whom      gonna take care of them? 
 A caring sister, working hard for her siblings.
 A mother who is struggling to raise her own child. And the father of the child is nowhere to be    found.
 A divorced lady as the husband falling in love with a younger girl.
 A wife whom a husband already passed away.
 A hardworking woman, doing her job sincerely.
 And the list go on and on.

This is the reality of being a woman. We have our own role rather than being a wife alone : as a sister, a friend, a daughter, a mother and even a professional person. And some of them are standing alone but never give up their life. Do they consider a failure also?

I am inspired by the story of Prophet Muhammad and Sayyidatina Khadijah. No, I am not talking about the age difference between them. Look at Sayyidatina Khadijah before she married to Rasulullah swt : she was from a respectful family, well-educated and successful businesswoman. She was attracted with the honesty and kindness of Prophet Muhammad swt. She was brave enough to propose him via a matchmaker (Nafisah). She even calmed our Prophet during first revelation at Cave of Hirak. Yes, she was a smart supportive wife yet a capable woman. If not for a great woman like her - who else should be our role model in love and marriage? 

Image result for love yourself
Then, should a woman lower her own standard : to meet someone with the same level of intelligence and perception only? Please, stand firm with yourself and be sure of what you want . Work yourself to be a better person. Good people will always attract another good one. And in the end - it is not always about finding a right guy to be loved : it is about finding your true self . Either I get married or not :  I am still in love with myself and Allah. InsyaAllah.

May Allah's blessings with us.


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