Thank You Allah.

Assalamualaikum and good evening.

When I wake up this morning, suddenly I have this lazy feeling tingling inside myself. How I wish I just can lying in bed : doing absolutely nothing. No need to go to work and I wish that everyday is a weekend and I can continue my sleep.  In my dream

We always complain about life : how things never happen as we wish for, why I can't get what I want, how can others seem better than us and the lists go on.Sadly enough, we only focus on negative sides of living instead of looking from a bright view. Actually many of us are seeking for a suitable job, or even struggling with current work. Yet, I had been blessed with wonderful colleagues and bosses,  a peaceful workplace with fully airconditioned office. Put aside a busy hustle day I could have sometimes. Does anyone need anything better than this?

Kadang-kadang kita selalu merungut mengenai benda yang tiada,sedangkan terlalu banyak nikmat Tuhan yang patut disyukuri.

Be a hardworking girl is always better than being lazy. At least you are doing what is the best even if you can't see an immediate effects. Hopefully I will keep working with a sincere and grateful heart. InsyaAllah. And oh Allah- thank you, thanks for all your blessings.

Image result for hard work

Till then,
May Allah blessings with us.


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